Kokoro connect episode 16
Kokoro connect episode 16

  1. #Kokoro connect episode 16 how to
  2. #Kokoro connect episode 16 series

Speaking of the Klaxosaurs they seem to be an almost Matriarchal species with their ruling Princess and their female monsters-their males are only the energy source for the females to strike the opponents, they the females seem to have retained some form of sentience, the males have not. But this doesn’t explain all theses things especially with how void the Klaxosaur are of primary and secondary sex characteristics. While some explanation is offered in that the Franxx are designed based off the Klaxosaur species and that the females becoming the monsters’ bodies while the male their pilot-it doesn’t explain away all of these things. Yes, they are piloting that doggy style, your eyes are working properly Did I mention they were designed by a man whom has no problem pawning at women? Yeah because that is a thing. The robots meanwhile have a very feminine and, in some cases, sexualized design. The very positions for riding the Franxx are in fact a doggy style sex position with the male on ‘top’ and the female on the ‘bottom’ as it were. Just compare the uniform of the Stamen to that of the Pistil. Their leader is called Papa, it is the female characters whom are most at risk while piloting their Franxx and despite their young age they are routinely sexualised throughout the story. While this effect both boys and girls, I would argue the girls are treated worse because their society is implied to be a Patriarchal one.

#Kokoro connect episode 16 how to

Probably because VIRM does not want anyone discovering how to reproduce but also, because a pregnant female cannot pilot a Franxx. Their society has a strange relationship to sex, despite sexual organs being needed to pilot a Franxx, the pilots are kept in the dark about such matters. That their leader is really an alien determined on wiping them out. Slowly over the cause of many episodes their faith in the system they are in begins to shake, eventually breaking when the truth about their society is revealed to them. Only when Kokoro discovers a book about such matters, while exploring an abandoned town, do they learn the truth. They don’t know what kissing is and do not know how babies are made. However even with that being the case they are very ignorant of sex and reproduction. With their sole purpose in life being able to pilot the Franxx robots. The children are born (possibly from birth mothers or from artificial uteruses we don’t know) and raised in the gardens-a type of creche. Because the adults have achieved immortality, their reproductive functions are gone, and they see no need for children beyond piloting the Franxx robots. Adults do not wear such things-their society places greater value on them. Both boys and girls are objectified in this society-with even their chromosomes displayed on their uniforms-a Y for the boys and an X for the girls. All of the pairing in the anime are adolescents because they are the only group of people in this society with functional sexual organs. Probably the thing that stands out most about this anime is that the robots are powered by pseudo-sexual activity between a stamen (a boy) and a pistil (a girl). Including attempted sexual assault, that is the triggering warning, leave now if you wish. Trigger Warning: Through out this post I will be discussing sex, sexuality and gender in detail.

#Kokoro connect episode 16 series

Spoiler warning: If you have not watched the entire series do not read this blog entry, there will be so many spoilers that I can’t even count all of them.

Kokoro connect episode 16